Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Released to the public for the first time: THE ANNA NICOLE SMITH CONSPIRACY

No doubt since the passing of Anna Nicole Smith have more and more details of her mysterious life been surfacing, mostly coming from Bush acolyte and public diversion expert Rupert Murdoch. Every second since the tragedy , the media sources associated with NEWS, CORP. (FOX Media and NY POST) have been the primary among news sources to inform the public of these shadowy facts that have reemerged in the form of a different body. Yes, that's right, it's beginning to sound a lot like they are attempting to construct their own conspiracy theory on the death of Anna Nicole, in the style of the JFK conspiracies and what more people are now doing with 9-11. Both the JFK assassination and 9-11 have their individual meaning and place in history. However, Anna Nicole Smith, who in her life had been a mediocre gossip topic with no credibility but her controversial publicity stunts and sizeable busom, is hardly worth mentioning as a possible coverup/conspiracy. To compare her to Marilyn Monroe is laughable.

Nevertheless, since it seems to be so fun for the media to piece together whatever they can to solve this mystery (who needs actual news anyway?), I thought it might be fun to devise my own theory based on the myriad ideas of the tragedy that have presented themselves. So without further due: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS, FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME, THE ANNA NICOLE SMITH CONSPIRACY REVEALED TO THE PUBLIC ONCE AND FOR ALL!!

Our story begins in September, 2006. Anna Nicole Smith gives birth to the million dollar baby, Danniellyn, in the Bahamas. Three days later her 20-year-old son, Daniel dies a mysterious death. Most people remember him from the thankfully short-lived Anna Nicole Smith reality series in 2002. Coroners ruled the probable cause to be a drug cocktail mixed with methadone. Anna Nicole, reportedly distraught over her son's death, marries Howard K. Stern in a matter of weeks. So much for grief and mourning.

Throughout her life, Anna Nicole Smith had been pegged as a celebrity whose merit was based solely on shock value and stunt pulling to intrigue her woefully lame audience. These include her marriage to oil tycoon, and perhaps a would-be friend of the Bushes named J. Howard Marshall. When Marshall died, she filed a lawsuit against family for his inheritance and wound up losing. In addition, after the death of Marshall's body, she claimed to have sexual relations with his ghost. What else would she be capable of doing?

Back to the story. Still in the Bahamas, Anna Nicole Smith was found dead in more or less the same hotel room that her son had passed away in months before. The cause of death was eerily similar. Drugs were found in her bloodstream, perhaps the same that killed her son. These are the facts, yet what sort of conclusion can be drawn from them?

Following her death, the media began to speculate about the quandary of Anna Nicole's baby and who the father was. None have presented logical conclusions about Anna's supposed suitors, nor have they even conducted DNA testing in the nearly two months that have passed since the tragedy. Somebody's hiding something, and the answer just might be closer than you think.

Enter Howard K. Stern, Anna Nicole's Lover who has come forward claiming sole responsiblity for the child and the estate at stake. Stern had no visible involvement, neither in her death or her son's death. Why the shadows? Why the mystery? I surmise that, in a fit of rage and passion, Stern murdered both Anna Nicole Smith and her son over being disgusted of the fact that they conceived a child together.

WOAHH!! NO HE DID NOT--Yes, I did. As taboo as it sounds, there is tangible reason to assume that regardless of the recent findings in the news of who Dannielynn's father really is, Anna did indeed become impregnated by her own son. Think about it. Why would Anna, in the process of mourning her son, decide to marry so sudden and so abruptly? To make it look like the child was not a bastard and was not conceived in incest. Moreover, Dannielynn sounds like something an inbred would name her child. As they say (and pump more money into the FIC by saying), ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE!

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