Monday, September 8, 2008

Barack Obama:How Selling Out Became a Trend in '08

Welcome to part II of my in-depth expose of the Obamanation that causeth desolation. You may recall that in February I wrote about Obama being a hipster phenomenon creating a cultural dictatorship in the realm of politics. This time I'm back with a second helping of dish on the topic of the lionized black man running for office in November who seems to be pulling all types of people out from the woodwork that aren't even fond of black people in general, but pretend to care about social change by voting for a black person without foreknowledge of his credentials. Let's face it, a black man in Barack Obama's position would not have attained such notoriety without certain "friends" in high places(ie. CFR, Pfizer, and other multinationals). The majority of African-Americans would do well to figure out who exactly this man is who claims to speak for them. However, as long as Rupert MURDERdoch and his bigwigs continue to run the Fashion Industrial Complex--lining their pockets with the money they extorted from the mindless fashion drones they employed--it will become increasingly difficult for there to be any revelation concerning Obama and his cohorts. This is a classic example of how the Mass Media seeks to overshadow anything of relevance by promoting celebrities instead of actual news. Hell, even John McCain himself compared Obama to Paris Hilton. Now, I'm no fan of McCain, but at least with him you know what you're getting. He's a fascist and and doesn't deny it. He supports the so-called "war on terror" 100% and brags about it. So does Obama but he pulls underhanded schemes to conceal that fact. How much of a hypocrite do you have to be to supposedly state that you're against the war in Iraq but for the war in Afghanistan? It doesn't make any sense, but then again nothing in this government does.

That being said, I'd like to point out that most Obama supporters do not even question the credentials of their "fearless leader", much less do they know anything about him, save that he's black, so he must be cool, right? It's just ridiculous how the sheeple think. That if they see something put out by the media as "fashionable" they unquestionably support it all the way, even if it's something completely debasing, and racist to boot. That's the true definition of a sell-out. Someone who does something just because he or she sees the Joneses doing it. And not even bothering to ask why. Barack Obama has got to be the biggest hoodwink the American Public has seen since Roswell. He and his handlers throw around the word "change" just enough so it can soak into their enslaved minds. Then people actually start believing this garbage, that a Democrat, whether he be white or black, is actually capable of changing the system without towing the party line. Just look at Joe Biden. What a joke!

Barack Obama is sell-out galore. For 20 years, he attended Jeremiah Wright's church without raising any issue with the radical content of his pastor's sermons. He was even married by Wright. So after 20 years of being a faithful member of Wright's flock, in early 2008 Obama, like Peter, denied the Christian teachings of his pastor for fear of persecution from voters. As far as I'm concerned, that is a sell-out. And this business of receiving corporate monies from HMO's is also shady. But, of course, hipsters, the biggest sell-outs on the planet, could care less. They'll conform with their peers to their dying day.