Monday, July 13, 2009

How Self-Reliant is the FIC?

"Imitation is SUICIDE", wrote the great Ralph Waldo Emerson in an essay entitled "Self Reliance". I concur. It is my belief that the definition of schizophrenia is living the life of a copy-cat. Copying the attitudes, beliefs, and yes, fashion choices of other people, thus, adopting their personality traits in psychosis. I believe the individual should stand out, must stand out, and will stand out even in the event that he or she should begin to follow somebody else's mode of thought. That is, even if their vain intention is to follow the norm and conform to society's will instead of forge their own God-given path, they will stand out like a sore thumb. Therefore, their suicide attempts that Emerson speaks of are evident. Blindly following each other's paths. Copying each other's speech patterns. Walking contradictions that are afraid of standing out, yet do stand out, albeit as people that do not think for themselves. The Fashion Industrial Complex is cultural suicide, and it is rampant.

There are numerous terms given t0 the class of people that tend to follow instead of look within themselves. The word that comes first to my mind would be the term "poser". A person that studies cliques and social patterns and does what ever he can to fit in is a poser at best. Posing to attract attention from mediocre circles that do nothing but pay attention to the latest new thing. As if some type of prestige were to be gained from hanging around the cool kids. Other terms follow. Lemmings and sheeple are meant to describe a broad range of people that follow each other into the ditch as far as leaders and political movements are concerned. The more they follow, the more dumbed down they become by their own choices that are influenced by looking at someone else's vain example. And by their own choices, I mean that everyone decides to commit cultural suicide by being a fool and following the norm. NO ONE is forced to conform by any standard. People think they are but they are not. This is part of the illusion the FIC creates.

A person who does for himself and is himself at all costs can be called self-reliant. This is diametrically opposite to what the Fashion Industrial Complex prescribes for every man, woman and child. Even in the United States of America, they want a cultural dictatorship where every saying and teaching put out by the FIC is obeyed by the huddled masses. Without question. Even sayings that were put out by the revolution of the 1960's have been mocked and co-opted by the FIC to exploit the public. That is why I say at the masthead of this blog, "BEWARE" the Fashion Industrial Complex, echoing Eisenhower's Military Industrial Complex speech at the end of his presidency. We must beware for our lives are at stake. Bewaring is the first step towards self-reliance. Once that is accomplished, breaking out of the box is possible.

1 comment:

RadioMike said...

Honestly, do you really think people follow trends consciously? I would propose that they are influenced by those around them and the things that they see and watch. This includes pretty much all of us who probably are influenced by propaganda of one sort or another. And this mostly all happens subconsciously.

Making the argument that Levi's are good quality jeans ignores the fact that I am also influenced by such propaganda, but I made a conscious choice to do this a long time ago.

This may be going over old territory, but read Propaganda: The Formation Of Men's Attitudes, and Leonard W Doob's Propaganda: It's Psychology and Technique and of course the grandaddy of us all who started this in the US: Edward Bernays.

Keep up the good fight!