Monday, September 8, 2008

Barack Obama:How Selling Out Became a Trend in '08

Welcome to part II of my in-depth expose of the Obamanation that causeth desolation. You may recall that in February I wrote about Obama being a hipster phenomenon creating a cultural dictatorship in the realm of politics. This time I'm back with a second helping of dish on the topic of the lionized black man running for office in November who seems to be pulling all types of people out from the woodwork that aren't even fond of black people in general, but pretend to care about social change by voting for a black person without foreknowledge of his credentials. Let's face it, a black man in Barack Obama's position would not have attained such notoriety without certain "friends" in high places(ie. CFR, Pfizer, and other multinationals). The majority of African-Americans would do well to figure out who exactly this man is who claims to speak for them. However, as long as Rupert MURDERdoch and his bigwigs continue to run the Fashion Industrial Complex--lining their pockets with the money they extorted from the mindless fashion drones they employed--it will become increasingly difficult for there to be any revelation concerning Obama and his cohorts. This is a classic example of how the Mass Media seeks to overshadow anything of relevance by promoting celebrities instead of actual news. Hell, even John McCain himself compared Obama to Paris Hilton. Now, I'm no fan of McCain, but at least with him you know what you're getting. He's a fascist and and doesn't deny it. He supports the so-called "war on terror" 100% and brags about it. So does Obama but he pulls underhanded schemes to conceal that fact. How much of a hypocrite do you have to be to supposedly state that you're against the war in Iraq but for the war in Afghanistan? It doesn't make any sense, but then again nothing in this government does.

That being said, I'd like to point out that most Obama supporters do not even question the credentials of their "fearless leader", much less do they know anything about him, save that he's black, so he must be cool, right? It's just ridiculous how the sheeple think. That if they see something put out by the media as "fashionable" they unquestionably support it all the way, even if it's something completely debasing, and racist to boot. That's the true definition of a sell-out. Someone who does something just because he or she sees the Joneses doing it. And not even bothering to ask why. Barack Obama has got to be the biggest hoodwink the American Public has seen since Roswell. He and his handlers throw around the word "change" just enough so it can soak into their enslaved minds. Then people actually start believing this garbage, that a Democrat, whether he be white or black, is actually capable of changing the system without towing the party line. Just look at Joe Biden. What a joke!

Barack Obama is sell-out galore. For 20 years, he attended Jeremiah Wright's church without raising any issue with the radical content of his pastor's sermons. He was even married by Wright. So after 20 years of being a faithful member of Wright's flock, in early 2008 Obama, like Peter, denied the Christian teachings of his pastor for fear of persecution from voters. As far as I'm concerned, that is a sell-out. And this business of receiving corporate monies from HMO's is also shady. But, of course, hipsters, the biggest sell-outs on the planet, could care less. They'll conform with their peers to their dying day.

Monday, April 21, 2008

John Varvatos: Rock and Roll's Antichrist

In October 2006, Hilly Kristal lost a major battle to save his beloved CBGB's from drowning in the urban wasteland that is called Manhattan. After much litigation and failed negotiations with Mayor Bloomberg to secure a new location for the club, the future of live music in New York City was put down like a invalid racehorse named Barbaro. For 18 months, the site laid dormant. Passerbys would mark the legendary birthplace of American punk with graffiti as a shell of its famous storefront remained. Meanwhile, the Bowery Rescue Mission next door, the same that leased CBGB's, continues to house the homeless of the Lower East Side; a poignant reminder that homelessness in New York is prevalent in all walks of life, including struggling musicians. Unfortunately, there is no alloted shelter for the underground rock movement.

It wasn't just the physical landmark that was CBGB's displaced by gentrification. The very soul of underground rock was, in my opinion, wrenched from the Bowery into utter oblivion. The infrastructure has fallen. The New World Order under the Fashion Industrial Complex has taken shape in the form of a old enemy, ROCK AND ROLL FASHION DESIGNERS. A cunning and crafty serpent by the name of John Varvatos has cleverly wormed his way into the scene by capitalizing on the CBGB's site, creating a boutique for famous rock stars. Could this be the prophesied Rock and Roll Antichrist?! Let's look into the Bible: SECOND THESSALONIANS 2:3 states, "Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first(gentrification on the Lower East Side), and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God(or Rock)or that is worshipped, so that he as God (of Rock)sitteth in the temple of God (CBGB's)showing himself that he is God(being a designer demigod for Rock stars)."==John Varvatos clearly fits the profile of the Rock and Roll Antichrist as somebody who has usurped the holy ground of CBGB's to fuel his sick greed.

Like any candidate for an Antichrist, John Varvatos has chosen his Rock Star minions, among whom are Iggy Pop and Chris Cornell. Both have a specific task and mission. While Iggy is the quintessential model for Heroin Chic ('nuff said), Chris Cornell is your regular sell-out. As frontman for Audioslave, his role as part of Rock COINTELPRO was to seek out, and disrupt the political works of Rage Against The Machine, by replacing frontman and ardent communist Zach de la Rocha. HENCE, rendering the group's radical philosophy useless. The name AUDIOSLAVE in itself ought to suggest one thing: rather than "rage against the machine", people (or sheeple) would be more comfortable with their iPods, being a SLAVE to the FIC. That is all for now. TAH TAH!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Hipster Crisis of 2008: Williamsburg residents plug Barack Obama

I was recently at the mini-mall on Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg, when I overheard a gaggle of moronic hipsters gaggling about Barack Obama. They were elated over his recent victory and proceeded to give each other high-fives in celebration. I kid you not, this has been the phenomenon in the past 5 months or so. All over Northern Brooklyn I have seen signs with Obama's face saying "CHANGE BROOKLYN CAN BELIEVE IN" posted in locales such as stores and restaurants. Although the fall of Williamburg has been long confirmed since as far back as 2001, this certainly puts it in stone.

Hipster, by definition, is a yuppie that sets the standard for what is hip by considerably tacky fashion quotas. They regard themselves to be elite because the clothes they wear, the music they listen to, and the books that they read are considered to be "avant-garde", thereby setting a distinction between them and non-hipster 'hoods. A hipster is usually what follows after radicals and artists when a neighborhood is gentrified. The hipster embodies the radical and artistic aspects through their individual styles but contain none of the substance of the people they displaced through gentrification. They are usually the first to spout the academic content of leftist politics without the raw grassroots approach. By academic leftist standards, electing Barack Obama would be right on the money. Why? BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. On the other hand, an educated leftist who does research on candidates would tell you that Barack Obama is far from reputable.

For generations, modern white hipsters have been guilty of subjecting black people to their image of what is cool. For example, hipsters do not consider themselves to be complete in hipsterdom unless if they have a token black in their circle. And by that I don't mean just a random black person who's down to earth and easy to talk to. NO, I mean the lionized black that hipsters consider an object of devotion, the author of "hip", so to speak. Sorta like the type Sonic Youth sings about in "Cool Thing". The way these hipster doofi approach integration is in its nature subjective, by which they think blackness equates automatic coolness, and something to idolize without a clue as to what the black experience entails. And what could be cooler than a black president?! To me, nothing could be more overtly racist than to single out black people as being demigods and not ordinary people. And nothing could be more ludicrous than to decide who the next president is going to be, because of his race.

And what do I think of Barack Obama? If he weren't an Uncle Tom he'd be torn to shreds by the media and Hillary Clinton, and that's a fact.